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JL Wingert Co., Grundfos Sump and Sewage Pump Systems, Grundfos NBS(E) end suction pumps, Danfoss , GRUNDFOS Pumps and Accessories, Grundfos TPE3, Grundfos Distributive Pumping Systems, PACO/Grundfos Pumps - a division of Grundfos, Grundfos ASME Tanks , Grundfos Packaged Pumping Systems, Sulzer ABS Pump Systems, Tigerflow, Thrush Pumps, FABTEK, Hamilton Engineering, Amtrol, Polaris Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers, The John Wood Co., Twin City Hose, Flow Design IMI Hydronic Engineering
WaterDrop Systems
By Manufacturer
JL Wingert Co.
Grundfos Sump and Sewage Pump Systems
Grundfos NBS(E) end suction pumps
GRUNDFOS Pumps and Accessories
Grundfos TPE3
Grundfos Distributive Pumping Systems
PACO/Grundfos Pumps - a division of Grundfos
Grundfos ASME Tanks
Grundfos Packaged Pumping Systems
Sulzer ABS Pump Systems
Thrush Pumps
Hamilton Engineering
Polaris Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers
The John Wood Co.
Twin City Hose
Flow Design IMI Hydronic Engineering
Genuine PACO Grundfos Parts
Grundfos PACO Express Suite
Laser Pump Alignment
PACO Grundfos Sizing Program
Pump Repair Service
Tigerflow Testing
Tools & Resources
Amtrol Tank Sizing
Grundfos Sizing Program
PACO Pump Sizing
WaterDrop Systems
By Manufacturer
JL Wingert Co.
Grundfos Sump and Sewage Pump Systems
Grundfos NBS(E) end suction pumps
GRUNDFOS Pumps and Accessories
Grundfos TPE3
Grundfos Distributive Pumping Systems
PACO/Grundfos Pumps - a division of Grundfos
Grundfos ASME Tanks
Grundfos Packaged Pumping Systems
Sulzer ABS Pump Systems
Thrush Pumps
Hamilton Engineering
Polaris Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers
The John Wood Co.
Twin City Hose
Flow Design IMI Hydronic Engineering
Genuine PACO Grundfos Parts
Grundfos PACO Express Suite
Laser Pump Alignment
PACO Grundfos Sizing Program
Pump Repair Service
Tigerflow Testing
Tools & Resources
Amtrol Tank Sizing
Grundfos Sizing Program
PACO Pump Sizing
Featured Items
End Suction, Split Coupled, Integrated VFD, NBSE
Split-coupled End-suction pumps with NEMA MLE motors and ANSI flange fittings.
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TIGERFLOW Systems receives NSF/ANSI 64 Certification
Tigerflow Systems is IS9001 Certified
TIGERFLOW announces officially receiving NSF/ANSI 61 Certification for their booster systems. Below is the press release from TIGERFLOW.
Dallas, TX - 3 May 2007 - TIGERFLOW announces that it has officially received NSF/ANSI 61 certification #N-5169 for the TIGERFLOW ES-3000 End Suction Booster Pump and VNS-4000 Vertical Multi-Stage Booster Pump domestic water booster system series by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO). IAMPO is an independent, ANSO-certified third party testing organization. All certified TIGERFLOW systems were tested to maximum performance levels, and included triplex as well as subordinate simplex and duplex systems. The company's production facilities were also certified.
The NSF/ANSI 61 (aka Standard 61 or NSF 61 standard covers all products in contact with potable water, and encompasses all potential extractangs whether organic or meta, to ensure clear drinking water distribution from the source to tap in the US and Canada. The certification requires all points-of-contact within a potable water delivery system meet Uniform Plumbing Code
, standards including pipes, pumps, hoses, fittings, cements, coatings, gaskets, adhesives, lubricants, carbon, sand, zeolite, ion exchange media, water meters, in-line valves, filters, process equipment, mechanical plumbing devices, and endpoint devices like faucets and drinking fountains.
The clear drinking water standad has become mandatory for all products used to supply drinking water in all new buildings in Los Angeles, California. In August 2006 the city of Los Angeles sent letters to all their listed booster system suppliers requiring them to provide a
"Toxicity report from a city approved 3rd party testing agency which verifies that the pump discharge water is non-harmful for human usage and consumption. The test standard shall be National Sanitary Foundation Standard Number 61 (NSF61 - Drinking Water System Components-Health effects),"
i.e. NSF/ANSI 61 certified pumping system.
Although forty-four U.S. States and three Canadian Provinces require that individual municipal drinking water system components comply with the requirements of the standard, enforcement is spotty. While the majority of faucets and plastic pipes do not leach harmful amounts of lead or other contaminants and may be NSF/ANSI 61 compliant, the same cannot be said for all types of water distribution products.
"As reports of impure drinking water causing contamination increase, and public concerns about pure drinking water force the issue, more municipalities and governmental agencies are expected to enact and enforce similar standards for drinking water delivery systems," according to TIGERFLOW president, Marvin Yoder. He cites recent enws about green onions, packaged spinach, and high rise condominiums where impure water has caused public health issues.
TIGERFLOW is a packaged booster systems manufacturer that has been NSF/ANSI 61 certified IAMPO #N-5169 for its domestic water booster systems.
Skip Roberts, Sales Manager
TIGERFLOW Systems, Inc.
4034 Mint Way
Dallas, TX 75237
TIGERFLOW is a manufacturer of prepackaged booster systems certified to meet municipal, state and federal standards before shipment. Prepackaged systems provide important advantages for system owners, designers and contractors. Each TIGERFLOW system arrives on site meeting and/or exceeding all relevant industry standards, in addition to site performance specifications. Coordinated deliveries of third party certified systems also eliminate contractor performance penalties and delays that are inherent in site-built/site-certified